Women of Manila

Although a quarter of the million is the “consensual” figure of historians, estimates of Filipino deaths from the war have ranged as high as one million, which would have meant depopulation of the islands by around one-sixth."Kipling, the 'White Man's Burden,' and U.S. Imperialism". Monthly Review 55: 1.
Women of Manila protest a history of military intervention.
A history of the Spanish American War, the Philippine-American War;
Sold into American colonization slavery for $20 million.
Just ask the Treaty of Paris.
The Great General MacArthur, "liberator of the Philippines"
took part in an extensive "campaign"
to suppress the local population. One million of them.
His campaign also attempted to kill
everyone over the age of 10 years old.
He received the Medal of Honor for his work
The Women of Manila are still fighting MacArthur.
They want the US troops out now.
The U.S. closed down its bases in the country in 1992,
after the Philippine Senate voted not to renew a military accord
between Manila and Washington.
Yet as part of the "war on terror,"
thousands of American troops have been in the Philippines training
and advising on how to fight "communists" and "terrorists."
The women of Manila are not happy.
You know what they say about the girl that wears black panties...
Is there a Happy Medium for.....Valentine's Day?
In a land where
roses are on the black market, people pretend to be brother and sister in order to go on a date, and abayas are slipped over the lacy lingerie...

They may say there there is more to the veil...

but in the end, is it not just
tromp l'oeil?
"Sexual love is a troubled and problematic relationship in cultures where there is a strong sense of man's separation from nature, especially when the realm of nature is felt to be inferior or contaminated with evil" - Alan Watts
A Conversation: Ron Paul comes to Fargo
Me: I was invited to experience "democracy" in Action.
Jerry Lundegaard: Oh jeez.
Me: I know, in preparation for Super Tuesday, ya know.
Jerry Lundegaard: What the heck are ya talking about? What do you fellas have yourself mixed up in?
Me: The NDSU Campus republicans, God please draft them all, are
hosting Ron Paul at 1:00 pm. Afterwards, with some irony, they are planning a "support or troops" event on Saturday the 23rd.
Jerry Lundegaard: Ya?
Me: Ya.
Jerry Lundegaard: Ya.
Jerry Lundegaard: Is he stayin' for supper then?