
"Can't We All Just Get Along and Fight the Occupation?"

Today, the big debate is whether or not Abu Ayyub al-Masri, self-proclaimed Iraqi "leader" of Al-Qaeda, died in a fight with Sunni Tribal leaders.

"I hope it's true, we're checking, but we're going to be doubly sure before we can confirm anything" --Lt Col Chris Garver.

But doesn't this just add one more piece of evidence that US troops aren't fighting terrorists or even "keeping peace." There is no organized terrorist force in Iraq...there never was.

But Maybe if we keep holding on there just might be.

Happy fourth anniversary
to "Mission Accomplished,"
Mr. Veto

Update: Hidanovic Case
Also there is an evidentiary hearing May 3 at 11am at the Cass County Courthouse. If you'll be in Fargo, try to make it.
